Killer Spirit Productions is an advertising firm that started in Annandale, VA by filmmaker, Youl Ah Kim. Since its inception, the company has committed itself to serving a broad client base with socially relevant and technologically savvy modes of advertising. We are fully aware that advertising techniques and platforms are continually evolving. The vehicles of market expression are constantly diverging into new and uncharted directions. Therefore, we plan to fully adapt to these changes by innovating and always improving upon our methods of marketing. However, we also intend to continue advertising on the traditional platforms of television and print because different forms of advertisements appeal to different demographic groups. We are a firm that works closely with our clientele, and we pay attention to all the nuances that make each of our customers unique. We commit ourselves with the best effort and integrity to create a highly visible and excellent product.


July 22, 1997 - February 4, 2012

Killer Spirit Productions was named after a pit bull—the pet dog of company president, Youl Ah Kim. While pit bulls have traditionally been stereotyped as aggressive and violent, Killer was a gentle, loving and loyal dog that was with his owner for fourteen years. Killer’s love was unconditional and commendable. Killer’s inspirational behavior and propensity towards love and kindness is much missed. We hope to align our company values with that of the spirit of Killer. Thus, we call ourselves: Killer Spirit Productions.

© 2015 Killer Spirit Productions